February 16, 2011

Show and Tell Wednesday Week 37!

Hi Everyone,
I can't believe that I remembered it was S&TW! This is my 37th week doing it (off and on). We are almost to 40. :) If you forgot what it is click here. I hope to remember it every week from now on... :)

Here is a photo from pretty long ago that I thought I would share:

They are doll sized! The first is Chrissa's craft table with some little buckets that I think we bought at Hobby Lobby in 2009; and the second is a photo of 2 doll sized cakes I made. I just made them with little styrofome things; and then we covered them with the play do type stuff you can get at like Walmart. It is the stuff Craft sells; that dries up if you leave it out in the open...

Well I hope you enjoyed it. Again; I really do hope to start doing it weekly again,

PS: Please don't forget to sign the petition... I would like 50 signatures by March 1st... :) www.agpixplace.net/petitions.html