January 31, 2011

A new Photo Story/ S&TW... :)

Hi Everyone,

New Photo Story
I have some good news... I am currently working on a photo story...!!! IT is about Valentines Day... :) I am hoping to do some of the behind the scenes as a Show and Tell Wednesday this week even though the Photo Story wouldn't be quite done! Now- wouldn't that be nice to get back in the swing of things? We have been throwing things together here and there, but haven't done anything big since November! (especially a S&TW!). For those of you who forgot what it is click here. I hope you enjoy this weeks Show and Tell Wednesday.

Snow Day
I am hoping that we have a snow day either tomorrow or Wednesday. We are about to get an ice storm, and tomorrow it is suppose to be ice in Dayton and rain in Cincinnati. We are right at the border where we get what either Cincinnati or Dayton gets... so I don't know... I am hoping for a snow day though one of the 2 days because I would LOVE to be able to finish the Photo Story on Tuesday or Wednesday and get it posted. Then maybe I could do another one over the weekend.

Please don't forget to sign the petition... I am really hoping for 50 signatures in less than 1 month... click here for it: www.agpixplace.net/petitions.html. I have 3 signatures. Great!- PLEASE include WHY you want a new Asian Historical doll... would you add her to your wishlist? etc.
I will talk to you soon. I will hopefully have a snow day this week... keep your fingers crossed :)


January 23, 2011

Snow photo

Here is the snow photo. :) I am hoping to do a video over the next week about my new closet organization... I meant to do it right away but I kind of forgot about it. You can see the video when we were "in the process" of fixing the closet by clicking here... :) It may be a little while though because I have video on my Camcorder that has to be uploaded to the computer. My camcorder has software that is no longer on the computer since everything had to be reloaded when our computer had the virus (the software hasn't been reloaded yet!)
Enjoy the photo,
Lily :)

The Back burner...

I know I am not doing nearly as much as I usually do on this blog this year. :( I honestly, think this blog is on the back burner for me. I am going to take a photo of the snow we had and post it here for you. We only got about 6 inches but that is enough for 2 snowdays in a row here. :)

I am going to try to be REALLY good about getting my homework done so that I have more time for blogging etc. Usually my homework takes about 2 hours, but I learned (for about the 3rd time!) that if I just do it without complaning or stalling, I have more free time after my homework. I think more free time at once is better than little bits of it here and there. So I am going to try to create a photo story for you all this week, and have it live by next weekend. Then maybe a video. :)

See you in a bit with a photo of the snow (no dolls, just the snow).

Lily :)

January 7, 2011

2 Year Anniversary update...

I know that my 2 year anniversary (really 2 years?) is right around the corner for my other webpage. So... I am going to try to upload some photos here to celebrate (uploading them there takes longer). This photo was taken the 1st day I was doing the webpage. As you know I no longer have that background since the pages were across the top... and I really need down the side :)

Here is a quick photo though that I wanted to share:
Have a good weekend,
PS: due to a math midterm on Monday in the morning (a midterm is covering EVERYTHING that you do from the beginning to the middle so thsi covers from August until January), I will not be posting any photos. My goal is to post some photos from my first 2 years here though through out the week so look back :)

January 2, 2011

Hawaii, and new pix!

We just came back from Hawaii yesterday incase you didn't read my twitter post- that's why things have been so vague.

Also- I posted some new photos on my webpage: www.agpixplace.net/photos-2011.html. I have decided to try to avoid doing posts (typed posts) on that page, but if I need to I will add a Posts 2011 page :) The photos include Kanani on the Local Hawaiian news (KHNL), and photos from Waipio Valley, and Volcanoes National Park. I have one of the Presidents plane in Hilo (we think the plane he wasn't in since he was on Oahu) but that is a photo and story for another time :)

I have to go study for my tests, and eat. We had a snowday I was suppose to take them since I was leaving for Hawaii, so I had to wait until we got back... unfortunately I will have to "relearn" the material. I remembered math and really just reviewed, but science... I don't know about :)

Have a good week,

PS: I will try to start up Show and Tell Wednesday again this week... but I don't know if I can since I have an Algebra midterm next Monday (Jan 10), and will be reviewing for that. Any idea what week I was on?

January 1, 2011

Happy 2011!

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to 2011... 2010 went by so quickly and I can't believe that it is 2011 already... I hope there are some Youtube videos of the ball drop because I missed it last night... :(

I will try to post my winter break photos soon. I have so much to post and write about, but right now, I have to start getting ready for school again. I know... still 2 days but.... There is also laundry so I have clean clothes on Monday. :) I ill try to post some photos tomorrow or this upcoming week though, along with a "real" update on my other page. The photos will probably be in photo album form again though.

Enjoy 2011... :)

PS: Look at American Girl's webpage, for the Kanani stuff. She is Hawaiian and since I have been there myself, I think I will have to get her... :)