September 1, 2010

Show and Tell Wednesday Week 35?

Sorry for not posting much at all... WELCOME TO SEPTEMBER. 8th grade has brought a TON of homework. I haven't had much time at all for blogging.
This is the first real time I have had time to blog except for Sunday.
This week I am going to show you a photo of me in San Francisco from this past spring, with Julie on my back. I am still planning on editing the other videos... it may just take a year :)
Here is the photo. Sorry for such a short post and that it's crooked, but in the photo viewer it isn't and I have uploaded it twice so... but I still have to go read....


Alma said...

I love your site. It is one of my faves. I`m looking forward to the giveaway!



Lily- Blog Author said...

Hi Alma,

My goal is to start it this long weekend, and let it run through September 27th. :) I will probably post something about it tomorrow :)