April 21, 2010

Show and Tell Wednesday Week 21!!

Hi there;) I can't believe it is week 21 of Show and Tell Wednesday. To learn more click here. I think I am actually catching up to Liz in terms of weeks;) lol. This week I am going to show you a video (maybe if I can figure out how to get the YouTube video up;)) . I got Liz's package in the mail. It was the raincoar & boots set;) so surprising;) lol.

Ok so here is the video (hopefully one of these days).

Have a good day!


PS: It took me a little while to figure out how to upload it. Find the video and then click embed with <>. Then when you are done typing go under Edit Html (top right of you post) then click enter a few times where you want it and paste it. I will make a video at some point because it took me a little while to figure out.

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