July 14, 2010

InnerStar U!

Hi Everyone,

I am SO Glad that InnerStar U!- is here. I am a little upset though because you have to buy a new doll to be able to get an account. I understand there are a few games you can play without a doll/ "membership", but still that is kind of dissapointing:(

Leanna told me (on Liz's site) that you can just buy a $10 package but I don't know where you can do that. Does anyone know? If you don't that's okay because my mom emailed American Girl and asked if there was another way you could join without having to pay for a "My American Girl" Doll. If the $10 package exsits then AG will tell my mom how she can get one:)

Have a good day. I am planning on doing a Show and Tell Wednesday today. Sorry I forgot to do one last week!



AGDollPrincess said...

I ordered my campus guide/starter kit a week ago. Here is the link to it on the AG site. It's $10 with free shipping.


Mine shipped yesterday and with any luck it will be here tomorrow or Friday!

Lily- Blog Author said...

Hi:) Thank you so much. I am at work wtih my dad because my mom had work to do too-and I chose to go to work with my dad. I just called her and asked her to order it. DO you know where you found that? I will post something on ,my webpage with the link. fI you could tell me where you found it that would be great. If not that is ok too.

-Thanks again,